About Park Golf

Penalty is added for a wrong shot.
Two strokes are added for any penalties.
Penalty is added for a wrong shot.
In any case, the balls should not be hit wrong.

If a player hit a ball in wrong way, add two strokes and continue playing where the ball was stopped. If the player force to avoid an obstruction and hit a ball, be careful as it may result in "wrong shot" as a result. If there is an obstruction and you don’t have a confident, it would be better to declare the ball as unplayable gracefully.

The followings are the wrong shots.
  • Hit a ball with an wrong swing.
  • Push a ball with a shaft or head of the club.
  • Pull a ball with a head of the club.
  • Put a ball on a head of the club and scoop up.
  • Hit a ball more than twice during one stroke