About Park Golf

Declare unplayable, in the following cases.
When a tree pillar or stone wall is in the way
Declare unplayable, in the following cases.
The ball must be played as it lies. However, there are various obstacles the ball cannot be hit in reality.

Although those are rare cases, there are possibilities that a ball gets caught on the tree branch, enters between the roots of a tree or a dent, and holed in another course's hole. OB stakes, nets, and trees may also be obstacles.

If the players deem the ball cannot be struck because of obstacles, they may declare their ball to be unplayable.

If a player declares unplayable, they must place the ball on a spot within two club lengths under penalty of two strokes. If the ball is somewhere like on the tree, replace it just under where it is.

Penalties are added if a player moves immovable obstructions or breaks or bends tree branches. Penalties are imposed even if you ask others help such as holding a tree branch. When the player cannot shoot the ball, declare "unplayable" and continue playing.